Research Areas And Topics

Your research should include language usage in Bahrain, from a constructivist and variationist perspective. These topics can be used or you can create your own.

Language and generation gap: ( e.g. Ask elders to share their frustrations with younger generations. Then observe and record what expressions are most popular among a speech community, such as high school students. Study. ).

– Code-switching & Code-Mixing: (e.g. You can also examine the code-switching behavior of certain speech communities (e.g. UOB English language majors Combining the 2 ideas can result in code-switching amongst Bahraini youth.

– Language and social class

Language and Attitudes

Dialects for Bahrain

– Linguistic practice in certain communities (e.g. A friendship group or online gaming community.

– Any aspect GAP (Gulf Arabic Pidgin).

– Language (e.g. Comparing women and men in certain linguistic features (e.g. use of questions/ politeness strategies/ imperative/leadership language, etc.) In certain settings or contexts (e.g. workplace/school/chartrooms/etc.)

Language and Media: Compare/examine certain features of language in newspapers, magazines or TV shows.

– Language, identity and (e.g. Examine the ways people use language as a tool to establish and maintain different aspects about their identities. For example, you might use code switching or dialects to tell something about yourself.

– Language & Culture: (e.g. American music and dialects have an influence on the language and culture of Bahrain. on the adolescents of Bahrain, etc. OR the differences in politeness strategies/forms address in Arabic and English. etc. )

– Language, power

Language of social media You can choose a social media area to study certain aspects of the language.

– Nonverbal behavior: (e.g. Look at posture, gestures, and proximity to see if you can relate them to the conversation. Videotape two friends who are close and one friend who is only an acquaintance to compare the differences. Does it seem that friends are more likely to copy each other than their acquaintances’ gestures? What gestures are more easily mirrored?

Politeness and understanding of language

– Languages and humor


  • mayamay

    I am Maya, a blogger and mother. I love exploring new things and learning about the world around me. I am interested in all things educational, from simple tips to complex theories. I hope to share my knowledge with others and help them learn about the world around them.